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Blake Madden
LATEST News from Hospitalogy
5 Notable Trends from Healthcare Spending Projections
1. Healthcare Spending as a % of GDP to hit 19.6% by 2031 In June, CMS released its annual projection…
What Healthcare Startups Can Learn from The Market’s Emerging Winners
While a cohort of 36 recently VC-backed public companies (Recent Publics) far underperformed 44 of their legacy peers (Legacy Publics)...
Healthcare Spending Projections and a Friday Shutdown
Last week, CMS released its annual projection of national health expenditures, containing historical data through 2021. Driven by strong 65+...
The Return of Utilization
How the resurgence in outpatient volumes will shape future provider care delivery organization investment
The Anti-Consolidation vs. Consolidation Edition
BJC Healthcare merges with Saint Luke's, CMS announces a new advanced primary care model, and more healthcare news.
The Oscar Odyssey
We all know that many health tech names have struggled since going public. Insurtechs have been no different, as an...
Home Health Bidding Wars
UnitedHealth Group is once again coming for a major home health player. After Option Health Care in early May announced...
5 infographics on the Big Picture Trends in Healthcare in 2023
Today we're taking a quick dive into some of the major stories that have emerged so far in healthcare in...