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Blake Madden
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The Oprah Effect: The Shifting Conversation around Obesity and GLP-1s
The story perfectly personifies the broader conversation playing out with weight loss medication and the exorbitant demand coming online for...
8 Predictions for Healthcare 2024: What the Market is Signaling for the Year Ahead
Welcome back to the annual Hospitalogy Soothsayer Special! Parth Desai and I have been brainstorming over the past several weeks...
Medallion: Signed, Sealed, Credentialed
Breaking down the credentialing process and why provider organizations should consider outsourcing the frustrating process to Medallion’s streamlined service
The Demise of HumanCig
Happy Tuesday Hospitalogists, I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season. If you haven’t already, go ahead and check…
The Healthcare Big 3? Breaking down the Cigna-Humana Merger Rumors & more
how the rumored Cigna-Humana $150B merger might reshape the healthcare payor landscape
The 3 Looming Event Horizons in Healthcare
Anyway, there are a few inflection points that will define healthcare over the foreseeable future, and I wanted to outline...
Forward Health’s CarePod: the ‘Bird Scooters’ of Healthcare?
Happy Tuesday! What are you thankful for? Here’s what I’m thankful for: no Hospitalogy this Thursday. Sometimes even we degenerates…
A.I. in Healthcare: Will we Lead, or will we Lag?
Happy Thursday, Hospitalogists! The Hospitalogy Guest Posting series continues today with a great write-up on the current state of AI…