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Blake Madden
LATEST News from Hospitalogy
Dollar General: The Rural Healthcare Savior, or a Fraud?
I was all hyped up to start off this newsletter with “How bout them Cowboys?!?!?” But alas…hello darkness my old...
Why Public Benefit Corporations are a game changer in Healthcare
Aledade made an interesting strategic move this week, and I wanted to jump into their reasoning behind becoming a public...
Intermountain’s Newest Partner
Did I really witness what I think I did last night? 4 missed extra points? 4?! In a row? Unfathomable….
First Dollar: Flexible Health Benefits Infrastructure
Today we’re taking a deep dive into the healthcare benefits space. The First Dollar team provided me with some behind...
What to know about the CVS-Carbon Health Deal and what it means for Healthcare
CVS Seals the Primary Care Deal with Carbon Health
2022 Year in Review: 13 trends that shaped the Healthcare Landscape
Welcome to the Hospitalogy 2022 Year in Review, where we cover every major healthcare news story in 2022! It’s a...
8 Healthcare Predictions for 2023 and what market signals are telling us about the year ahead
Based on discussions with industry folks, market signals buried in earnings and disclosures, and our often misguided internal dialogues, here...
Hospitalogy 2022 Wrapped
Today’s post is quick, and was a fun one for me. It dives into everything Hospitalogy - how things went...