

Contentment is a weekly newsletter by Tracey Wallace, Director of Content Strategy at Klaviyo, about how to produce scalable content that doesn’t burn you––or your team––out. 

Every newsletter, Tracey will write about best practices, strategies and tactics she’s used throughout her career to level-set internal content marketing expectations, and produce high-value––and high ROI!––content again, and again, and again.

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Created by

Tracey Wallace

LATEST News from Contentment

A magic assignment for the first 30 days

I talk a lot in this newsletter about content marketing teams being under-resourced, and that’s true! A lot of them…

Content marketing is a team sport

The first couple years of my content marketing career were spent researching and writing content as though I was an…

The growing importance of editing in content marketing 

As AI becomes more and more popular (and better!), I see editing becoming an even more crucial skillset. And this…

How to optimize for bots without losing sight of the humans

Google’s EEAT algorithm update was an attempt to optimize for humans––suggesting that humans prefer experts as the authors of their…

Infuse your content with a point-of-view—and more understanding of humanity, too

A lot of folks out there seem to think that content written for or optimized for SEO is boring, repetitive,…

A content investment strategy

“I think people under-resource SEO and over-resource ads,” said Ethan Smith on Lenny’s Podcast back in Q422.  In that interview,…

Give content marketing the CRO treatment

In my point of view, content marketing has two main goals or KPIs to answer to.  The real goal of…

Your first 30-60-90 in a new content role

The first 30-60-90 days of your job as a new content marketer at any company are crucial. Or, if you…
