How to manage other peoples’ perception (and why you should)

I’m a big Survivor fan and while there are so many reasons I love this game, one of them is just how many parallels I see within it to the professional world.  The biggest one?  Someone’s perception is their reality.  In the game of Survivor, how your tribemates perceive you––your actions, your intentions, your explanation––often…

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A content type hierarchy to keep you sane

Content teams are notorious for having too much work. It’s ultimately a prioritization issue (often not even within the content team, but I digress).  So, today, I wanted to talk through my content type/theme hierarchy and how I like to prioritize my work.  This isn’t at all about strategy. Instead,you can apply strategy as the…

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What’s old is new again

When I first started content marketing, I was a news-jacking pro. After all, I came from the news industry, and I knew how to take a piece of news, interview a couple experts, and layer over a point-of-view relevant to the brand I was working at.  In fact, this is what had Verizon once send…

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How to create content for the funnel

Content is the lifeblood of an organization. After all, our lives are stories––and every decision we make is done based on the story we believe, that we tell ourselves. And content marketing is about telling one story to folks over and over and over again, so as to have them tell it to themselves.  This…

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A content career pathing rubric

Content marketing, like most marketing roles, is often a victim of scope creep. So many content marketers are also social media marketers, email marketers, ABM leaders, etc. This is no more evident to me than with social media marketing.  For instance, I talk a lot about content repurposing, and when I talk about it on…

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