πŸ† commending contributions

✍🏽 General Manager (CEO) wants departments to nominate and vote on a departmental employee of the year, and then all staff organization wide will vote on that pool to select an org-wide employee of the year. It feels icky and like it may just end up being a popularity contest, and also not very culturally…

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πŸͺͺ scenarios to certify & support

✍🏽 How important are HR certifications (HRCI + SHRM) and how to decide which one to get?! Context: Start-up, <20 people, currently fundraising for Series A. I’m an experienced admin professional, now doing mostly everything HR – and I’m the only one in the company doing HR. I have a lot of work experience that…

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πŸ— winging it & serving it up

✍🏽 How do you help a business owner see the need for a formal HR program when they’ve gone 40+ years just “winging it”? Context: Trucking industry, 140 drivers (30% company, 70% contractor), 40 full-time staff (not including drivers). Family-owned business second/third generation. For example, no performance reviews, no ombudsman program, just an “open door…

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all you need is positivity

✍🏽 How do you decrease negativity amongst staff? Manager of a unit in an acute care setting in a hospital. My night shift staff have become negative and complaining about their jobs. I have improved their staffing, stand up for them, come in early and stay late to be available for them. I have rewarded…

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do you know what you want?

 βœπŸ½ Any advice for leading a multi-generational team with varying leadership experiences? I manage 18-65 y/o with 0-30+ years of experience all looking for different management styles and all not understanding that others want to and need to be managed differently.  πŸ“£ Jessie Fields, Talent Development and DEI Leader at C2FO:  As a leader to…

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✨ Involve while you evolve

My employees keep asking me questions about pay transparency. How do I navigate those conversations? What do I say? Manager at an early stage startup, we don’t have a public policy and I don’t want to just tell my employees to go to HR. πŸ“£ Cassidy Edwards, Director of People Operations at Tradeblock:  This is…

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