29 March 2023 |

13 websites I like.

By Ari Murray

There’s a particular thing I love about each of the 13 websites listed below. THE DEVIL (AND THE DOLLARS) ARE IN THE DETAILS.
Let’s peruse, shall we?

1. DIOR’s book tote PDP (Specifically, I really appreciate the PLACEMENT of the personalization – above the fold, and strategically above the price). A free perk dangling above a $3K bag feels like a steal? Kinda? 

🇫🇷 👜 🥐

2. ILIA’s makeup recycling program page (HOW DID I NOT KNOW THEY DID THIS? This page isn’t fancy, but it’s clear. I understand the program, I understand why they’re doing it, and I know the next step to take. That’s all. we. ask.)  

♻️ 💋 💚

3. ROLEX’s homepage hero video (the dark mode loading state is GENIUS – why buffer when you can set the vibe?)

⏳ 🌟 🕰

4. SPLITS59’s FAQ categorization (Often, someones on your FAQ looking for an answer PRE-PURCHASE. Help them get there. Having a quick menu is easy to dev, easy to design, and can help them move more quickly. If your FAQ isn’t doing this, change that please). 

❓ 👏  😇

5. GLO.NYC real-time customizer (Not easy. But, makes or breaks this entire online business and online businesses like it.)

🔥 🎨 💡

6. TRUDON’s variant size naming convention (This is a luxury candlemaker à la 1643 – AS IN THE YEAR 1643. It’s so on brand for them to name their candle sizes like this: Petite, Classic, Intermezzo, Great. I cannot tell you how much I love this small touch). 

🕯 🖼 🎩

7. ELAVI’s hero homepage video (Shows me every single thing I need to know about the hero SKU. Shows me how to use it, the convenience, and the time of day to add it into my life.)

🍌 🥜 🧈

8. CUTS CLOTHING’s email capture in footer (I absolutely love that you can select UPON SIGN UP what you’re interested in: Men’s, Women’s, or Both – holy segmentation. <3) 

📱 👕 🙇‍♀️

9. VIA CAROTA CRAFT COCKTAILS’ 404 page (Forever the little touches that make the difference). 

🍸 🇮🇹 🍋

10. CLARE V’s split-screen hero homepage (Half product + half model = perfection)

💡 👒 😮‍💨

11. BLANK STREET COFFEE’s copy (“Made to be a daily ritual”. With a video of people getting coffee! 

☕️ 🚕 🎥

12. RIME-ARODAKY’s carousel on PDP (This is special. A special layout for a brand made for special occasions. I truly love seeing the BACK of the dress without having to take an action as the customer – I’m lazy. Just show me what I need to know!)

👗 🎀 🛼

13. RUBY-BOND’s springtime hero banner (No fancy springtime photoshoots needed! Take a background, take a vector, have a vision, and voilà!) 

🌷 🌺 🍭