29 June 2023 |

S5 Ep6: Is Battery Swapping the Future of Electric Vehicles? With John de Souza


On this week’s pod, Nick’s sitting down with Ample co-founder and president John de la Souza to chat about the future of modular battery-swapping technology for EVs.

By swapping rather than charging an electric vehicle’s battery, Ample can deliver a 100% charge in 5 minutes or less — and with considerable other benefits for the grid.

Is this a push that will help accelerate EV adoption and address common driver pain points? Or is it too much of a burden to develop the infrastructure?

How will Ample make its solution more adaptable to OEMs? John and Nick dive into the nitty-gritty details of what implementation looks like and whether it’s a cost-efficient, sensible solution.

Find Out More About Ample:


Follow John:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johndesouza1/

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