11 January 2023 |

S4 Ep2: Yoni Assia: The eToro Founder Disrupting Traditional Finance


This is a special one. Yoni Assia is the Founder and CEO of eToro, discover his vision for Fintech and why investment is for everyone.

eToro is the world’s leading social investment platform. Founded in 2007 with a mission to open the world’s markets to everyone -everywhere.

Nicole and Yoni sit down to talk about the power of connection, why education is so key to successful investment, and how fintech will flip traditional finance on its head sooner rather than later.

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LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/yoniassia

Twitter: https://twitter.com/yoniassia

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And if you’ve enjoyed Humans of Fintech why not try: Chicks of FinTwit, Tech Unlocked, Breaking Banks or Fintech Insider


0:00 Intro

01:52 The Power of Connection

03:13 Are We Finance Or Tech?

05:31 Programing For The Israel Intelligence Core

06:57 The Passion For Capital Markets

09:45 Connection, Collaboration, Education

13:23 Success Is Never A Straight Line

16:38 Looking With Perspective

20:44 The Buffet Dinner

27:15 Giving Back Through Non Profit

How Fintech Is Disrupting Traditional Finance

As a financial services professional, you are likely familiar with the rapid growth and evolution of fintech. Fintech, or financial technology, has emerged as a disruptive force in the financial services industry, challenging traditional models and changing the way consumers interact with financial products and services. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the ways fintech is disrupting traditional finance models and what it means for financial services professionals.

Democratizing Access to Financial Services

One of the most significant ways fintech is disrupting traditional finance models is by democratizing access to financial services. Fintech companies are leveraging technology to create new products and services that are more affordable, accessible, and convenient than traditional financial services. For example, mobile banking apps, robo-advisors, and peer-to-peer lending platforms are all examples of fintech innovations that have made financial services more accessible to a wider audience.

Streamlining Processes and Reducing Costs

Fintech is also disrupting traditional finance models by streamlining processes and reducing costs. By leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, and other technologies, fintech companies are able to eliminate inefficiencies in traditional financial services and offer more efficient and cost-effective solutions. For example, online lending platforms can process loan applications in minutes rather than days or weeks, and robo-advisors can offer investment management services at a fraction of the cost of traditional financial advisors.

Creating New Revenue Streams

Fintech is also creating new revenue streams for financial services professionals. Fintech companies are partnering with traditional financial institutions to offer new products and services, and financial services professionals are finding opportunities to collaborate with fintech companies to offer innovative solutions to their clients. For example, a financial advisor may partner with a robo-advisor to offer automated investment management services to clients.

Redefining Customer Expectations

Finally, fintech is disrupting traditional finance models by redefining customer expectations. Consumers are becoming accustomed to the convenience, speed, and accessibility of fintech services, and they are expecting the same level of service from traditional financial institutions. This is driving traditional financial services to adapt and innovate to remain competitive in the market.

In conclusion, fintech is disrupting traditional finance models in numerous ways, from democratizing access to financial services to streamlining processes and reducing costs. Financial services professionals need to adapt to these changes and find new ways to provide value to their clients. By embracing innovation and collaboration with fintech companies, financial services professionals can stay ahead of the curve and provide their clients with the best possible financial solutions.