20 April 2022 |

How Kelly Fryer is Democratizing Data



  1. FinTech Sandbox is… 10:02
  2. The B2B Shift: 14:43
  3. Startups in The Post-Covid World: 17:08
  4. Getting a Piece of The Pie: 18:22
  5. Fintech as a Catalyst For Change: 19:42
  6. How to Build Equity in Startups: 24:39
  7. Lifecycle of Data Need: 26:29
  8. Breaking Out of The Fintech Bubble: 31:22
  9. Backing Diverse Founders: 35:12
  10. Staying on Track: 39:24

With The Right Data You Can Change The World

“It all starts to get really exciting and you start to see how you can chip away at some of the world’s problems by kind of bringing the world together.” Kelly Fryer, Executive Director of FinTech Sandbox

When you’re launching a startup, having the right data is the deciding factor. FinTech Sandbox gives founders free access to the data they need, leading to sustainable and inclusive financial systems.

And where did this solution-based business spring from? Executive Director Kelly Fryer believes a creative childhood had a significant impact.

For Kelly being given the freedom to play and experiment as a child has grown into an insatiable drive to solve problems through creative Fintech solutions.

And the problems Kelly is most interested in solving is giving startups access to the kind of data that means success.

How FinTech Sandbox Helps Businesses Large and Small

If you think of Fintech as occupying a space where just B2B businesses benefit, FinTech Sandbox sees it differently. By backing small businesses that are hell bent on solving very human problems and not just for profit, the company is creating a buzz.

“I mean, I think we’re seeing more and more startups that are trying to solve for real world issues and not just to make a profit for traders or for individual businesses which is really, really exciting.”

And here’s where the data comes in. From credit to marketing data, the right information can inform your strategies and empower your teams to make more targeted, better focused decisions.

The best part? It’s all free, just an ask to contribute to the shared learning and collaboration within the company’s community of FinTech professionals.

The Future of Fintech and its Founders

Fintech is in every niche, from healthcare to cannabis, insuretech to financial services. And Kelly is ready to go wherever FinTech Sandbox can help Founders.

In particular, she’d love to see more women and founders of color taking the lead but doesn’t believe the problem comes down to a lack of original product ideas, but rather backing from the various institutions involved in launching a successful business.

“I think it comes on the decision makers to actually fund those companies and promote those people in order for it to happen. I think it can. Absolutely. But there is a responsibility from the top in order to help make that a reality.”

Follow Kelly:

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kfryer

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