18 January 2023 |

133 – How to do Customer Segmentation, With Tamara Grominsky, VP, Product Marketing at Kajabi

By Daniel Murray

How do you carry out great product marketing? You drill down into who your customers are and where they spend their time.

Tamara Grominsky is the VP of Product Marketing at Kajabi, the all-in-one platform helping entrepreneurs create profitable online courses and coaching programs.

Daniel dives straight into it with Tamara on why you need to dust down those old customer segmentations, how to perfectly tailor the customer journey, and how to leverage paid search to find your next set of customers.

Follow Tamara:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tamaragrominsky/

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Daniel is a Workweek friend, working to produce amazing podcasts. Find out more, visit: www.workweek.com

Crafting an Impactful Product Marketing Strategy: Tips and Tricks for Success

Product marketing is at the heart of any DTCl business. It helps brands reach a larger audience and build relationships with their customers.

Product marketing involves creating a strategy that will effectively promote a product or service. The strategy should be tailored to the brand’s target audience, as well as its goals.

In this article, we’ll explore the steps for crafting an effective product marketing strategy. We’ll also look at tips and tricks for creating an impactful product marketing campaign. Finally, we’ll discuss ways to analyze the success of your product marketing strategy.

Crafting an effective product marketing strategy

Creating an effective product marketing strategy starts with an understanding of your target audience. Knowing who your ideal customer is will help you create a strategy that speaks to them. You should also understand the product’s features and benefits, as well as the competition’s offerings.

Once you have a clear understanding of the target audience and the product’s features, you can begin to craft an effective product marketing strategy. The strategy should include objectives, tactics, and a timeline.

Objectives should be measurable, attainable, and specific. Tactics should be tailored to the target audience and the product’s features. The timeline should include a start and end date for each tactic.

Elements of a successful product marketing strategy

A successful product marketing strategy should include a few key elements. It should focus on the customer’s needs and the product’s capabilities. It should include tactics that are tailored to the target audience and the product’s features. And it should include a timeline for when each tactic will be executed.

The strategy should also include a budget. A budget will help you determine which tactics are feasible and which are not. It will also help you track progress and adjust the strategy if needed.

Finally, the strategy should include a way to measure success. This can be done through metrics such as website traffic, sales, or customer engagement. Measuring success will help you understand what’s working and what’s not, so you can adjust your strategy accordingly.

Tips and tricks for creating an impactful product marketing campaign

Creating an impactful product marketing campaign requires a few key steps. First, you should focus on building relationships with customers. This can be done through social media, email marketing, or customer service.

Next, you should create compelling content that speaks to the target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, case studies, or infographics. The content should be tailored to the target audience and the product’s features.

Third, you should use a mix of digital and traditional marketing tactics. This can include paid search, display advertising, email marketing, or content marketing. Each tactic should be tailored to the target audience and the product’s features.

Finally, you should focus on optimizing the customer experience. This can be done through personalization, customer service, or follow up emails. Optimizing the customer experience will help create a positive customer experience and increase customer loyalty.

Analyzing the success of your product marketing strategy

Once you’ve implemented your product marketing strategy, it’s time to analyze its success. This can be done by tracking metrics such as website traffic, sales, or customer engagement. You should also look at customer feedback to get an understanding of what’s working and what’s not.

Analyzing the success of your product marketing strategy will help you understand what’s working and what needs to be improved. It will also help you adjust the strategy if needed.


Product marketing is an essential part of any digital business. Crafting an effective product marketing strategy requires an understanding of the target audience and the product’s features. It should include objectives, tactics, and a timeline.

Creating an impactful product marketing campaign requires a few key steps, including building relationships with customers, creating compelling content, using a mix of digital and traditional tactics, and optimizing the customer experience.

Finally, analyzing the success of your product marketing strategy will help you understand what’s working and what needs to be improved. With the right strategy and tactics, you can create an impactful product marketing campaign that drives sales and increases customer loyalty.