04 October 2022 |

112 – Corey Haines Opens The Saas Marketing Playbook

By Daniel Murray

Corey got the marketing bug at college and hasn’t looked back. Now an SaaS founder and with his own newsletter, he opens up his playbook.

As writer of the Swipe Files, Corey has more than 10k subscribers and growing. He’s also the founder of SwipeWell, a tool dedicated to helping you save, organize, and reference marketing examples so you always have them when you need them most.

Daniel and Corey get into why SEO is a magic tool, why there’s always a danger in averages, and why becoming an independent thinker is the goal.

And if you LOVE The Marketing Millennials drop us a five-star review at: https://ratethispodcast.com/marketingmillennials, I really appreciate your support!.

Follow Corey:

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/corey-haines

Twitter: https://twitter.com/coreyhainesco

Keep up to date with the latest news from The Marketing Millennials:.

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Daniel is a Workweek friend, working to produce amazing podcasts. Find out more, visit: www.workweek.com


0:00 Intro

04:23 The Race to Succeed

07:56 Solving The Annual Subscription Problem

08:26 The Magic of SEO

13:44 Uncovering The Goldmine

16:57 Exposing Your Insides

22:11 Get Everyone Talking

23:20 The Marketing Hill I’d Die On Is…

30:14 The Danger of Averages

30:48 You Can Handle The Truth

The Secret to Successful SaaS Marketing

SaaS marketing is a delicate balance of art and science. Many SaaS marketers struggle to find the perfect balance. If your company falls into this camp, you’re not alone. Finding that sweet spot is tricky for most SaaS vendors because so many different variables are at play.

Your marketing strategy needs to account for everything from your target audience to your sales funnel. What works for one SaaS company may not work for another, which is why it’s important to understand the ins and outs of an effective SaaS marketing strategy from the get-go. This blog post will walk you through everything you need to know about growing an effective SaaS marketing strategy from square one.

What’s the best way to market a Saas product?

If you’ve been in the SaaS marketing game for any length of time, you’ve probably heard a thousand different opinions on the best way to market a Saas product. And while there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, there are some general best practices to keep in mind. First, understand that there are two main SaaS marketing strategies to choose from: Top-of-funnel and mid-funnel marketing.

Top-of-funnel marketing: Top-of-funnel marketing is the most basic form of SaaS marketing. It’s the stage where you’re focused on getting your brand name in front of as many people as possible. The goal here is to drive traffic to your website, where you can begin converting leads into customers.

Mid-funnel marketing: Mid-funnel marketing is the process of transitioning leads into paying customers. This is where you’ll spend most of your time as a SaaS vendor. The goal here is to keep your existing customers happy and to acquire new ones. Mid-funnel SaaS marketing involves nurturing leads, closing deals faster, and driving more sales.

How to define your target audience

The first step in building an effective SaaS marketing strategy is to establish your target audience. What type of person are you hoping to sell your product to?

Defining your target audience is the foundation upon which your entire marketing plan will be built. Once you’ve established your audience, you can tailor your entire marketing strategy around them.

This includes everything from the SaaS product itself to the marketing tactics you employ. There are several factors to consider when defining your target audience. Start with these: Demographic: Who is your target audience? What are their ages, income levels, and education levels?

Psychographic: What are your customers’ interests, lifestyles, and mindsets? Behavioral: What are your customers’ shopping habits? Where and how do they shop?

Build an effective sales funnel

The sales funnel is the most important part of any SaaS marketing strategy. If you don’t have a reliable sales funnel in place, you can bet that you’re leaving money on the table. An effective sales funnel is crucial for every SaaS vendor. It’s the process that takes a lead from an initial visit to your website all the way through to becoming a paying customer.

How do you build an effective sales funnel? Start by asking these questions: What is the conversion rate for your website? What percentage of visitors turn into leads? What percentage of leads turn into customers? How long does each stage of the sales funnel take? Once you have the answers to these questions, you can begin to build an effective sales funnel.

This can be done with a variety of SaaS marketing techniques, including: The value proposition: What is the core product that you’re offering? The customer journey: How will your customers navigate the purchasing process? The sales funnel: How do leads become customers?

Create quality content

Creating quality content is the only way to ensure that your SaaS marketing strategy doesn’t turn into a one-off marketing tactic that flops. Content marketing is the only way to ensure that your brand stays top-of-mind with your audience. It’s also the most cost-effective way to grow your SaaS company.

There are many different types of content that SaaS vendors should focus on. These include:

Blog posts: Blog posts are the bread and butter of any marketing strategy. They allow you to form relationships with your audience and to publish helpful information about your product.

Ebooks: An ebook is a great tool for publishing more in-depth information about your product. It’s a fantastic way to establish yourself as a thought leader in your niche.

Videos: Video marketing is the newest trend in SaaS marketing. It’s perfect for demonstrating your product in action and for educating your audience.

Webinars: Webinars are a great way to build relationships with your audience and to help them navigate your product. They’re also a great way to add value to your brand.

Track and measure effectiveness

This is the part of your SaaS marketing strategy where you put everything to the test. You’ll want to track and measure the effectiveness of each and every marketing tactic that you employ.

Most SaaS vendors employ a mix of marketing tactics. This means that you’ll need to account for effectiveness across the board. Start by tracking the following:

Goals: What are your company goals? What do you want to achieve with your marketing strategy? This includes things like increasing revenue, decreasing costs, and increasing customer retention.

KPIs: What are your key performance indicators? What are your metrics of success? These are the quantifiable results of your marketing strategy. Tracking these will help you determine if your marketing strategy is working.


SaaS marketing is an ever-evolving game. As new trends and technologies emerge, the SaaS marketing strategy must adapt. If you’re just getting started with your SaaS marketing strategy, remember to keep these three things in mind: Define your target audience, build an effective sales funnel, and create quality content. This is the only way to create a sustainable marketing strategy that will yield results over the long haul.