15 September 2022 |

108 – Danny Miranda is Taking Over the Podcast Game

By Daniel Murray

Danny is a podcaster and marketer pushing out hundreds of pieces of content each month. He’s passionate about telling stories and making connections. Discover how he does it all.

Daniel and Danny get into how Danny’s love of psychology and business from an early age lead him to marketing and launching his podcast in 2020. You’ll hear how landing a star guest led to his conversion to video, and how he’s been repurposing content ever since.

You’ll also hear Danny’s take on why every brand should invest in figuring out short form content, and why being a successful creator is a marathon and not a sprint.

And if you LOVE The Marketing Millennials drop us a five-star review at: https://ratethispodcast.com/marketingmillennials, I really appreciate your support!.

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LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/dannymiranda

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0:00: Intro

02:36: The Repurposing Playbook

06:25: Consume to Create

09:46: Know The People at The Party

13:30: Setting Yourself Up For The Journey

18:04: Ten Year Overnight Success

25:18: Cross Platform Opps For Authors

28:45: One to Watch

31:06: Consistency For Success

32:08: No Limit Mindset

Podcast Marketing 101

The world of podcasting is a unique one. When you compare it to other mediums, such as blogging or vlogging, it has very different dynamics. But that doesn’t mean you can’t market your own show! 

In fact, marketing your own podcast is a great way to build your personal brand and gain exposure in the process. We understand that many of you reading this have never created your own podcast before. 

That’s why we have put together this helpful guide on how to market your podcast so that you can boost its visibility and reach new listeners. Keep reading for advice on how to market your own show, what tools are available for podcasters, and some general tips on how to get started.

Understand Your Audience

By knowing who your target listeners are, you can create content that caters to their needs. When your podcast resonates with a particular group of people, it will be easier to get it in front of those people.

Instead of broadening your show to appeal to everyone, focus on your core audience. 

When you market your podcast to your core group of people, it’ll be easy to reach them and let them know about your new show. Breaking down your target listeners into demographics can be helpful. Consider who might listen to your podcast and what their general interests are. Try to imagine who would like your show, and why. By understanding your audience, you can create a podcast that appeals to them.

Create a Show Description

When you are just starting out, you might have a few episodes recorded and ready to publish. But what do you do in the meantime while you’re creating new content? This is the perfect time to start promoting your podcast so that you can kick-start your audience. 

With your show description, you can capture the attention of potential listeners and let them know what your show is all about. This can be done on the show’s landing page, social media pages, and more. 

You want your show description to be compelling and get listeners excited about your content. Remember that this description is your very first impression. If your description isn’t strong, it may turn new listeners away before they ever hear your podcast.

Promote Your Show

One of the best ways to promote your podcast is to get the word out to your existing audience. If you already have a blog or YouTube channel, you can share information about your new podcast on that page as well. Your first few episodes don’t have to be perfect. 

You can even ask your first guests to edit the audio if needed. The important part is getting your show in front of people so that it can start gaining traction. Once you have your first few episodes published, it’s time to get promoting. There are tons of ways to let people know about your podcast. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

 – Share your podcast on social media. Post on your Facebook page, Twitter feed, and any other social media accounts you have. Let your friends and followers know that they can listen to your show on their headphones.

 – Post on relevant podcasts. If there are podcasts related to your content that you want to promote, don’t hesitate to reach out to the show host and ask if you could post a quick message to promote your own show.

 – Guest post on other blogs. If there are other blogs in your industry where you’d like to share information about your podcast, consider pitching a guest post. You can let your host know that you’d like to include information about your podcast, and include a link back to your show on your own website.

Create Marketing Materials

You can also create marketing materials for your podcast. For example, you can create a podcast cover image for your website and social media pages. You can also create a podcast poster that can be printed out and displayed at events. Let your guests know that they can create marketing materials for their own businesses. 

This can help your podcast grow in popularity even when you’re not actively promoting it. Let your guest know that they can share your podcast with their own followers and ask them to leave a review on iTunes. This will help your show grow, and you’ll thank them for helping you out in the process. 

A strong podcast cover image can help you catch the attention of new listeners. You can create a podcast poster to showcase your podcast and include information about when it airs and where people can listen to it.

Build an Email List

Finally, one of the best ways to market your own podcast is by building an email list. An email list is a collection of emails from listeners who have given you permission to send them updates, links to your podcast episodes, or other information related to your show. 

When you have a strong email list, it’s easy to send new episodes to your subscribers and let them know that new content is available. You can also use your email list to promote new episodes and let people know that there’s new content. 

You can host a contest or giveaway as a way of thanking your email subscribers for signing up. You can also send an email thanking them for signing up and sharing some background information about you and your show. Letting people know who you are and what your podcast is about is a great way to start building your fan base.


When you create your own podcast, you have the unique ability to control the quality of the content and the topics being discussed. You can create a show that is completely tailored to your interests and your passions. 

But podcasting is also a different medium than other types of content creation. You need to think about how to market your own show, and you should be ready to commit to a long-term project. In order to market your own podcast, it’s important to understand your audience and what they want to hear. 

You can promote your show by creating marketing materials and guest posting on other blogs. You can also build an email list and thanks them for signing up by sending an email thanking them and sharing some background information about you and your show.