25 August 2022 |

103 – How Katie Momo’s Copywriting Made $12 Million Dollars in Sales

By Daniel Murray

How does a jewelry designer go from writing a few emails to helping her clients make multi million dollar sales? Katie Momo is one of the most talented copywriters out there.

Daniel and Katie dive straight into how she started out as an odd-job marketer, why focussing on features is death to sales copy, and why customer research is the marketing hill she’d die on.

You’ll also hear Katie’s spicy take on why the best copy isn’t written, it’s found.

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00:00 Intro

03:44 Your Fancy Tech Isn’t Your Selling Point

10:04 Personality Driven Marketing

13:39 Customer Research is The Hill I’d Die On

14:18 The Best Copy Isn’t Written

23:05 How You Can Learn From The Best

28:13 Finding Katie

7 Copywriting Techniques for Sales Marketing

Have you ever been on the other side of a sales marketing pitch? 

How do you feel when you know you’re being sold to. Context is king. If you’re actively looking for a product, weighing up the pros and cons, you might welcome content that feels a little bit of a sales pitch.

Conversely, coming on way too strong can send the death knell. When you push too hard, with little or no previous relationship to the customer – they’ll run and they won’t come back.

Focus On Benefits, Not Features

While marketers know this in theory, there’s still way too much copy out there focussing primarily on features. 

It make sense, you want to showcase the latest tech, but take the classic example of Apple products.

Did customers really care about pixel count or face recognition? Not as much as they cared about the fact they could essentially plug the phone in and be up and running in minutes. 

Making life easier is what sells iPhones.

Ask Yourself: What Does Your Prospect Care About?

If you’re selling a car, you’re not going to get very far by trying to sell it as a status symbol. But if you’re selling a car to a parent of young children, then you can talk about how easy it is to keep clean and how it has enough room for a car seat. 

Before you try to sell anything, think about what your target audience cares about. What do they need? What do they want? What problems do they want to solve?

Find The Pain Point And Hammer it Home

People are more likely to buy something that solves a problem than something they just want. If you’re trying to sell an office chair, then you might want to talk about how comfortable it is and how it will improve productivity by helping employees avoid back pain. 

A better tactic might be to talk about how bad posture is responsible for millions of lost hours in the office each year and how expensive it is to replace chairs that have been worn out. You can find statistics about this by doing a quick Google search for “office chair statistics.”

Sales Marketing Copy: Short Sentences — But Not Too Short

Most people prefer information in short chunks. In fact, studies show that most people prefer paragraphs of no more than six sentences. If you’re trying to sell something that’s particularly complicated, you could break it down into short paragraphs and then put a summary at the end of each one.

 That’s also useful if you’re trying to explain something to someone. If you have a long, complicated paragraph that you can’t break down any further, try breaking it into shorter paragraphs.

Use Simple Words

You don’t need to show off or impress anyone. You just need to get your point across. If you’re selling a desk, for example, you might talk about the “ergonomic design” or the “height-adjustable legs.” Those are impressive phrases, but they’re also confusing. You’re not impressing anyone. You’re just confusing them, and they’ll walk away. 

Instead, you could talk about the “contoured design” and the “adjustable legs.” Clear and practical.

Give a Sense of Urgency

This is a great technique to use if you’re selling something online. It’s especially useful in situations where the buyer is thinking about whether or not they should buy something. 

For example, if you’re selling a course or a product that can only be bought at a certain time or from a particular place, then creating the sense that time is running out is a huge pull.

Summing Up

Whether you’re trying to sell a product or a service, you have to sell your audience on the benefits. You need to show them how your product will save them time, money, or effort. 

You need to speak to their pain points and show them how your product will solve their problems. Remember that most people care more about the benefits than the features, so your copy should focus on the value your product brings. It should show the benefits that your audience will receive.