Better 1:1s, Explained

The number one question I get asked is “how can I run better 1:1s?”. The people have asked, so let’s get the people some answers. Whenever I think about improving 1:1s, it comes down to these 3 simple things: Clear expectations First step towards having a great 1:1 experience is providing clarity on:  For example:…

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what if it’s the rep?

There are few things which suck worse than having a rep on your team who lacks self awareness. These are the reps who: In short, the unaware reps are typically the ones who create more messes than you care to clean up. But what is a manager to do when they have a rep like…

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Why Sales Managers Fail

Sales management can function quite a bit like a black box.  Assumptions rule the day for what makes a great manager and it’s not always clear what a top performing manager is doing differently than a lower performing manager. But, there’s one factor in particular I believe 1000% needs to be addressed for sales reps…

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 take me off your list

the one on one logo

Objections Schmobjections There are a set of objections prospects will use that can very quickly limit where the sales rep can take the conversation.  The result? The prospect goes about their merry way while the sales rep feels defeated. These objection can sound a lot like: So this week, I’m breaking each of these down…

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 re-engaging MQLs

Why should you care about unconverted MQLs? How do I find them? To find your unconverted MQLs, you (or marketing +/or sales ops) can build reports or views that show any prospects who have: 📓 Note: Each company will likely have their own, unique taxonomy for categorizing these kinds of leads. Partnering with your marketing…

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Low hanging fruit

Often, the key to success really is keeping it as simple as possible. One of the easiest ways to keep things simple is to go after low hanging fruit. The biggest areas my team is looking at to get after low hanging fruit is: Closed lost deals If there are accounts in your reps’ books…

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