27 August 2024 |

7 LinkedIn posts to help you earn buy-in from execs

By Tracey Wallace

  1. The new funnel: Alex Eklund comes from the media world, working at The Hustle and then over at Axios. He also hosts a meaaannn game night, but that’s a story for another time. This post from him can help visualize the shift in consumer behavior, the importance of content in every single stage of the buyer’s journey, including content that you cannot always tie back to revenue––i.e. content that influences, and that earns affinity. 
  2. Build revenue pipeline: This piece from Pierre Herubel breaks this down even further, specific to content marketing. This shows where content types fall within a traditional pipeline model, and how no single piece can be tied to revenue. It’s the journey that produces the $, and every piece has an important role to play. 
  3. Types and purpose of content: This one from Hanna Castiel breaks it down even further (fun how that works!). Here is a document that shows a variety of content types, their purpose, examples, and a tip for how to make sure it performs well. Here’s a tip from me on this: Take this format and edit it to fit your internal definitions of content types, examples (link off to examples from your company), and use it to educate your extended team on content marketing, and even use it in a content request process. 
  4. Content distribution as repurposing and repetition: This one from Justin Simon is great, and simple, for helping your team and execs see how you fill an editorial calendar, and then repeat, repeat, repeat in different formats to drive the company message home (more here on how to determine those messages from Zara Burke and her colleague Mark Iafrate). 
  5. Turning research into an entire content plan: Erin Balsa is fantastic at this, and she’s done us all a real favor visualizing how you can turn a research piece into an entire content plan, which knocks out that first 1st C in Justin’s chart above. Use this to show your team and execs a more detailed view, if they need it.  
  6. A video case study template: This comes from Connor Lewis and is a great breakdown on how to produce video case studies. It’s especially useful if your company is new to this, or if you are trying to get the budget to move forward. Use this to start. Then, iterate and figure out what performs best for your brand. 
  7. Content marketing roadmap planning principles: This one from Jess Joyce makes a one-pager out of an entire content strategy deck, and it’s a fantastic place to start when building your larger planning documentation. Make sure you have answers to all of this, and use it to help guide the strategy you put together.