14 November 2023 |

The Quarter-Course Correction

By workweek

I’d like you to travel back in time with me, back to when I found myself helming a team that was, to put it lightly, floundering. The ship wasn’t just off course; it was taking on water. Fast. I had one quarter to make a 180° turn. And folks, that’s where science met elbow grease.

We mapped every nook and cranny of our sales process, dissecting previous quarters to pinpoint our hits and misses.

Together, my team and I pored over our most significant wins and losses, extracting the golden nuggets of feedback. With fresh eyes, we charted an actionable roadmap that aimed to repeat our successes while bulldozing through our roadblocks.

Here’s the stripped-down version of our action plan, crafted to kick inefficiency to the curb:

  • Retrace & Reflect: What worked last quarter? What tripped us up?
  • Documentation Dive: Chronicling our ups and downs for a collective brain-pick.
  • Action Roadmap: Polishing our strengths, paving over the potholes.
  • Task Streamlining: Automating the mundane, empowering the important.
  • Metrics as Our Compass: Weekly revenue, deals, and pipeline health check-ins.

The Pivotal Lesson

Memo to my fellow sales warriors: The close of a quarter isn’t just about tallying wins. It’s about gearing up for the next race, smarter, faster, and ready for the long haul. Success isn’t a sprint; it’s an optimization ultra-marathon.

Let’s lace up for this next week:

  • Audit and Itemize: Scrutinize last quarter’s go-to-market strategies. Spot the standouts from the slackers.
  • Team Huddle: Dive into a deep debrief. Collaborate on crafting an action plan.
  • Delegate Swiftly: Identify tasks ripe for automation. Set your sights on strategy over sluggishness.
  • Keep Score: Dial into your deal deadlines, revenue runs, and pipeline progress.

As you map your strategy, remember: We’re not searching for quick wins but paving the way for perpetual victory. Take these lessons, put them into play, and let’s revolutionize our sales processes for good.