28 March 2023 |

Who Are You and What Do You Stand For?

By workweek

Defining your team’s identity is essential for building a strong team culture. Take the time to create an identity that reflects the values and principles you want to drive across to your team. Ask yourself, what are your company commitments? What type of behaviors do you want to see from your team? Having a clear identity can help guide your team’s decision-making process.

When defining your team’s identity, it’s important to involve team members in the process. You can start by having an open conversation with your team to identify the values and principles they feel are most important to the team’s success. This collaborative approach ensures that your team’s identity is authentic and reflects the values of everyone on the team.

In my case, focusing on performance and playing to win is vitally important. I encourage the team to think fast, be owners and to give 110% in everything they do. I have equally seen other leaders have success with a more human centric approach. You have to take the time to unpack your own principles whilst working collaboratively to align with your team’s worldview.

Put Your Team’s Identity Into Action!

To create a strong team culture, it’s not enough to simply define your team’s identity. You must also back up that identity with concrete actions. By implementing programs that align with your team’s values, you can demonstrate your commitment to those values and motivate your team to live up to them. 

If your team values excellence, you might consider implementing a regular deal review process to help your team learn from their successes and failures and continuously improve. On the other hand, if your team values giving back, you might consider organizing recurring charitable initiatives, such as volunteering events or donation drives, to provide opportunities for your team to make a positive impact in their community. By implementing such programs, you can create a culture of accountability and inspire your team to take ownership of their work and their impact.

This presents another opportunity for collaboration. By learning about what your team values, you can work to prioritize initiatives that will unify them behind a cause.

Strike a Balance Between Performance and Team Morale

To strike a balance between performance and morale, it’s important to understand that the two are not mutually exclusive. A strong team culture that values and supports its members can actually drive performance, as engaged and motivated employees are more likely to go above and beyond for their team.

In software sales, where the pressure to meet targets can be intense, it’s important to create a culture that values both performance and team well-being. One way to achieve this is by coaching frontline leaders to act as a buffer between upper management and the sales team, empathetically communicating the expectations and goals while also prioritizing the team’s well-being.

This requires a willingness to invest in leadership development, providing resources and training to help frontline leaders develop the skills they need to manage their teams effectively. Additionally, creating an open and honest dialogue between upper management and frontline leaders can help ensure that everyone is aligned on goals and expectations, and that there is transparency around how performance is measured and rewarded.

Finally, it’s important to recognize that a performance-centric culture doesn’t have to mean sacrificing team morale. Small initiatives like team outings, recognition programs, and regular check-ins can go a long way in creating a positive and supportive team environment. By striking a balance between performance and team morale, software sales teams can achieve both their targets and a happy, engaged workforce.

Proximity = Results

Creating a culture of open communication is crucial to building a high-performing team. In my own experiences, I’ve found that team members are more likely to share their thoughts and ideas when they feel that their input is valued and heard. This requires an environment where team members feel comfortable speaking up, even when they disagree with their colleagues or managers.

To encourage open communication, it’s important to provide your frontline leaders with the tools and resources they need to foster a culture of transparency. This can include training on active listening and conflict resolution, as well as regular feedback sessions to ensure that team members feel heard and valued.

It’s also essential to ensure that frontline leaders have close proximity to their teams, both physically and emotionally. This can be achieved by offering their time and showing attentiveness to their needs. Encouraging team building activities and social events can also help to build stronger bonds between team members, promoting a culture of trust and collaboration.

Ultimately, creating an open and supportive environment requires a commitment to ongoing communication and continuous improvement. By investing in leadership development, providing resources and training, and promoting a culture of transparency, organizations can build strong and high-performing teams that are capable of achieving their goals and delivering exceptional results.

One of the best ways sales team’s can build morale and communications is by operating as a true quarterback of their territory. That means delegating and collaborating with supporting teams to drive best in class results. In next week’s send, you will explore the importance of ownership, effective delegation and internal collaboration in order to achieve both as a seller and leader.