13 September 2022 |

Benzinga 2022: 3 things I’m excited about

By Jay

  1. Make brand new relationships

There are so many people in cannabis and sometimes I forget I haven’t even come close to meeting them all. 

The Green Paper is doubling down on finding true partnerships – meaning companies that pay us ad revenue – but 100x more than that: finding people that align with The Green Paper’s vision of how the cannabis industry should operate. The cannabis industry needs so much work, everyone needs to find people that can help them build.

And – conferences are the perfect place to get a lot of us in one room. This event usually draws thousands of people and the biggest names in cannabis. I can’t wait to see who I meet. 

Any recommendations of people or brands I just HAVE to connect with at Benzinga? Let me know!

  1. Come away with a new or better-developed opinion about something in cannabis 

I’ve LOADED my calendar with panels and meetings: I can’t wait to see what makes me go “hmmmm” and think about something a little deeper than I have before.

I consider myself incredibly knowledgeable about the cannabis industry, but there’s really no *one* area in cannabis that I’ve mastered. I’m not a cultivation or compliance or legal expert. I’m an incredibly deep cannabis generalist, and I think most of us have to be to succeed in this space. 

With that said – there are plenty of experts in cannabis. People who only work in the finance part of cannabis or people who only deal with retail. I’m excited to connect with these people and see what they say that might change my opinion on something in cannabis! 

  1. Learn from top leaders

I have at least one interview booked with an executive of a cannabis data analytics company and I just know I’m going to learn something awesome. 

Rarely do we get the chance to sit down, 1 to 1, with company executives. Everyone is constantly busy but at conferences, connecting and educating *is* the purpose. We can pick the brains of some of the biggest players in cannabis. 

My interview is after his panel, so I’m excited to see what I can bring from the panel to the interview!