17 May 2022 |
Subject Matter Season 6 Trailer
By Jay
Audio is exploding. As you’re listening to this, millions of people are tuning in to be entertained, educated and inspired by creators just like you.
But committing to a podcast is tough. The number one way podcasts grow is word of mouth, so how do you create a show worth talking about? How else can you reach bigger audiences? And how do you eventually convert that audience into revenue?
If you’re an aspiring creator wanting to build with audio, this is the show for you.
I’m Ben Bradbury, and 4 years ago I was an aspiring creator too. I started as a freelance podcaster, then became an agency owner, and now my agency has become part of Workweek: A media company powered by creators that’s making work fun. I’m heading up Workweek’s audio team, and although I’m obviously a little biased, I think we’re working on some pretty cool projects. And I’ll be sharing everything I learn to help you build, grow and monetize your audience through audio.
Here’s what you can expect from this season. We’ll have 2 types of episodes: In-depth interviews, and bite-sized commentary. With the interviews you’ll hear from subject matter experts, learning how they got started in the audio space, and we’ll get into the weeds of how they maximize the impact of their audio. You’ll get actionable insights into growing and monetizing your content, from guests who practice exactly what they preach.
And I know you’re busy, so I’ll be following up with short episodes that includes commentary from each interview, diving into case studies you can learn from, and providing practical tips to make your show worth listening to.
If you want to make the most of the audio revolution, you’re in the right place.
New episodes dropping May 23, with four new episodes every week after that. Media’s constantly moving and we’ll be sharing information from the very edge of our field, so make sure to subscribe to stay up to date with the very latest content.