18 January 2023 |

S4 Ep3: How Apto Payments is Moving The Needle Through Trust, With Meg Nakamura


You don’t get a hall pass for making mistakes with people’s money.

Meg Nakamura is the Co-founder and CEO building trust through fintech. Find out how.

Apto Payments is the next-generation cards and payments platform that helps companies design and launch successful card programs in as fast as a day. Meg and Co-founder Greg Kidd are building a company with community and trust at its core.

Nicole and Meg talk about how Meg’s Japanese upbringing influenced her approach to business, why you only get one chance to handle people’s finances, and what it’s like to keep your company afloat in the face of challenge.

And if you love listening to Humans of Fintech, please leave me a 5-star review on Rate My Podcast: https://ratethispodcast.com/humansoffintech

Thank you so much!

Follow Meg:

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/megnakamura

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And if you’ve enjoyed Humans of Fintech why not try: Chicks of FinTwit, Tech Unlocked, Breaking Banks or Fintech Insider

Navigating the Fintech Startup Landscape: Strategies for Success

Fintech startups are popping up everywhere, and for good reason. The global fintech industry is on the rise and is projected to grow exponentially in the coming years. But starting a fintech startup is not without its challenges.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the challenges faced by fintech startups, the various business models available, the regulatory environment, and strategies for success. We’ll also look at what to look for when selecting a fintech partner and tips for raising capital for a fintech startup.

Challenges faced by fintech startups

Starting a fintech startup is no easy feat. There are numerous challenges that entrepreneurs must face, from finding the right team to navigating the regulatory environment. Here are some of the most common challenges that fintech startups face.

The first challenge is the technical complexity of a fintech product or service. Fintech startups must develop a product or service that is both secure and meets customer needs. This requires a significant amount of time and resources, and it can be difficult to keep up with the ever-evolving technology landscape. It’s important for fintech startups to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in the industry in order to remain competitive.

Then there’s the competitive landscape. The fintech industry is highly competitive, and it can be difficult for startups to stand out from the crowd. Additionally, established players have the advantage of extensive resources and customer bases, which can make it difficult for startups to gain traction.

Fintech startups must adhere to a variety of regulations in order to operate legally. This can be a daunting task, as regulations vary from country to country and can be difficult to interpret. As such, it’s important for fintech startups to have a clear understanding of the regulatory landscape in order to remain compliant.

Fintech startups often have to spend significant amounts of money to acquire customers. This can be difficult for startups with limited resources, as it can be difficult to generate a sufficient return on investment (ROI).

The fifth challenge is the risk of failure. As with any startup, there is always the risk of failure. Fintech startups are no exception, and it is important for entrepreneurs to have a clear understanding of the risks involved and a plan to mitigate them.

Common fintech business models

Fintech startups come in all shapes and sizes, and there are a variety of business models to choose from. Here are some of the most common fintech business models.

Online payments business:. This involves providing a platform for customers to make payments online. This can be done through a variety of payment methods, such as credit cards, debit cards, and digital wallets.

Then there’s loans to customers, either directly or through a third-party lender. This can be done through a variety of loan products, such as personal loans, business loans, and mortgages.

Wealth management provides advice and services related to managing finances. This can include providing financial planning services, investment advice, and portfolio management services.

Lastly there’s the cryptocurrency business. This involves providing services related to cryptocurrencies, such as trading, storage, and secure transactions.

The fifth is an insurance business. This involves providing insurance products, such as life insurance, health insurance, and auto insurance.

Regulatory environment for fintech startups

Understanding the regulatory landscape is an essential part of starting a fintech startup. Regulations can vary significantly from country to country and can be difficult to interpret. As such, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the regulatory environment in order to remain compliant.

The first step is to familiarize yourself with the relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction. This includes understanding the requirements for setting up a business, obtaining necessary licenses and permits, and adhering to privacy and data protection regulations. Additionally, it’s important to understand any restrictions related to the offering of financial services, such as limits on interest rates or loan terms.

It’s also important to understand the laws and regulations related to payment processing. This includes understanding the requirements for processing payments, such as payment security and anti-money laundering regulations. Additionally, it’s important to understand the requirements for handling customer data, such as data retention, storage, and security regulations.

Finally, it’s important to understand any restrictions related to marketing and advertising. This includes restrictions related to the content of advertisements, as well as any restrictions related to the use of customer data for marketing purposes.

Strategies for successful fintech startups

Successful fintech startups have a few things in common. Here are some strategies to ensure the success of your fintech startup.

Focus on customer needs. It’s important to understand the needs of your customers and to develop a product or service that meets those needs. Additionally, it’s important to stay up-to-date with industry trends and to be aware of any changes in customer needs.

Build a strong team. Fintech startups require a diverse team of experts with a variety of skills and experience. It’s important to build a team that is both knowledgeable and passionate about the product or service you are offering.

Create a clear value proposition. It’s important to have a clear understanding of the value that your product or service is offering to customers. This can help you to stand out from the competition and attract customers.

Have a clear understanding of the competitive landscape. It’s important to understand the competitive landscape in order to stay competitive. This includes understanding the offerings of competitors, as well as their strengths and weaknesses.

Finally, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the regulatory environment. As mentioned earlier, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the relevant laws and regulations in order to remain compliant.

What to look for when choosing a fintech partner

Choosing the right fintech partner is essential for the success of your fintech startup. Here are some things to consider when selecting a fintech partner.

The first is to consider the partner’s experience and expertise. It’s important to choose a partner with experience in the fintech industry, as well as expertise in the product or service you are offering. Additionally, it’s important to consider the partner’s capabilities, as well as their track record of success.

The second is to consider the partner’s technology. It’s important to choose a partner with a reliable and secure technology platform. Additionally, it’s important to consider the partner’s ability to scale, as well as their flexibility in terms of customizing their platform to meet your needs.

The third is to consider the partner’s customer service. It’s important to choose a partner with an efficient and reliable customer service team. This can help to ensure that customers have a positive experience and are satisfied with the product or service you are offering.

The fourth is to consider the partner’s pricing. It’s important to select a partner that offers competitive pricing. Additionally, it’s important to consider any additional fees, such as setup fees or transaction fees.

Finally, it’s important to consider the partner’s reputation. It’s important to select a partner with a good reputation in the industry. This can help to ensure that the partner is reliable and trustworthy.

Tips for raising capital for a fintech startup

Raising capital for a fintech startup can be a daunting task. Here are some tips to help ensure the success of your capital raise. Have a clear understanding of:

Your value proposition. It’s important to have a clear understanding of the value that your product or service is offering to customers. This can help to attract potential investors and demonstrate the potential of your business.

The competitive landscape. It’s important to understand the offerings of competitors, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. This can help to demonstrate the potential of your business and can help to attract potential investors.

The regulatory environment. As mentioned earlier, it’s important to have a clear understanding of the relevant laws and regulations in order to remain compliant. This can help to demonstrate the potential of your business and can help to attract potential investors.

Your financials. It’s important to have a clear understanding of your financials, such as your revenue, expenses, and cash flow. This can help to demonstrate the potential of your business and can help to attract potential investors.

The fifth tip is to focus on building relationships. It’s important to build relationships with potential investors in order to attract capital. This can include attending networking events, connecting with investors on social media, and reaching out to potential investors directly.


Starting a fintech startup is no easy feat. There are numerous challenges that entrepreneurs must face, from finding the right team to navigating the regulatory environment. It’s important to understand the challenges faced by fintech startups, the various business models available, the regulatory environment, and strategies for success.

Additionally, it’s important to understand what to look for when selecting a fintech partner and tips for raising capital for a fintech startup. With the right strategies, a fintech startup can be a successful and profitable venture.